Possible Problems

Insufficient font capacity
As distributed, PS-LATEX preloads about 100 fonts. You may find that when creating the format file using INITEX or when using PS-LATEX that the font capacity is exceeded. If this is so your TEX guru can increase the font capacity of both INITEX and VIRTEX (this is usually done by altering the initialisation of font_max in the change-file for tex.web), or reduce the number of preloaded fonts (see lfonts.tex).
Device driver problems
Your device driver must be capable of recognising font names that represent PostScript device-resident fonts. Furthermore, your device driver must not perform any mapping between the encoding of characters within the DVI file and the PostScript fonts; this is done by PS-LATEX.

The PostScript fonts contain characters in positions 128–255; PS-LATEX uses many of these characters. Your device driver must be able to cope with the DVI commands that access these characters.

The particular fonts used by PS-LATEX can vary from site to site; a description of the set used by the distribution version can be found in a separate document.

Tiny characters
The .tfm files distributed with the UNIX TEX tape have a design size of 1pt; PS-LATEX expects the design size to be 10pt. Use the script cnvfonts to convert your fonts.